What we have:

Our Partners and Consultants in corporate law enjoy an edge over their peers for the quality of their work, some having vast experience having worked for over five years as Corporate Secretaries and Consultants for reputable national and multinational corporate clients. Our team is well experienced in providing company secretarial and nominee services to several Tanzanian and foreign-owned companies and business promoters with business or investment activities in Tanzania.

What we do:

Registration of Companies (Foreign & Local companies), Partnership and Business Names (Sole Proprietorship). Provision of Corporate Secretarial Services and Support including filing of Annual Returns, Corporate Clean-up, Appointment and Removal of Directors and Company Secretary.

We also help prepare, review and amend Memorandum and Articles of Association, increasing or decreasing of Share Capital, Share Transfer and Allotment. Preparation of various company documents and uploading the existing companies into the BRELA’s Online Registration System (ORS).

Our team provides quality legal advice on mergers and acquisitions, project finance, private equity, capital markets, corporate restructuring, insolvency, winding up and competition law.

What we have:

Apart from professional lawyers, Xclusive Consult works with seasoned non-lawyer Business Consultants with immense knowledge and experience in the business and investment conditions and opportunities in Tanzania. This ensures not only that our Clients’ business and investments are protected, but also that our Clients become hands-on with any business or investment opportunity that arises.

What we do:

We facilitate Setting up a new business in Tanzania including application and processing of Tax Identification Numbers, VAT Registration Numbers, Business Licenses and Certificate of Incentive from Tanzania Investment Centre (TIC). We help in linking business to business or business to the investors within and outside our portfolio.

We also facilitate registration of Company or Business with Tanzania Bureau of Standards (TBS), Contractors Registration Board (CRB), EPZA, TMDA, SUMATRA, TCRA etc. we also help our Clients in conducting due diligence, screening and verification on all related matters.

What we have:

Our Team is made of some members who at different times worked in Human Resource departments and Labour Recruitment Agencies. We have members who command an impressive track record on resolving labour disputes, offering best alternatives to normal labour procedures and members who have worked hands-on with our Clients in retrenchment procedures.

Xclusive Consult also collaborates with a number of HR Solutions agencies including man power outsourcing and payroll management companies. This ensures that we cover all the Client’s employment and labour needs without the Client having to resort to other suppliers which in turn, help the Client focus on other pressing areas of the business.

What we do:

Preparation and Drafting of Employment Contracts. Advice on Employee’s Disciplinary Procedures and the best alternative to cumbersome disciplinary hearings. Advice on retrenchment and rationalization. Representation in Labour-related Disputes in various governmental bodies including Labour Commissioner’s office, Commission for Mediation and Arbitration (CMA), Labour Division of the High Court of Tanzania and the Court of Appeal of Tanzania. We also process registration of Employers with Occupation Safety and Health Authority (OSHA), Workers Compensation Funds (WCF) and National Social Security Funds (NSSF).

What we have:

Our Partners and Consultants have enormous experience in practical aspects of the banking and financial services sector acquired over a long period of time. We are also conversant with the legal and institutional framework of the banking and financial sector. Some of our members have at different times and capacities offered legal services to multinational lenders, local banks and financial institutions. Our expertise at loan documentation, securitization and restructuring is proven. In the last couple of years, we have provided this service offering to numerous institutional lenders and borrowers.

What we do:

Registration of Banks and Microfinance Companies including advise on legal and regulatory compliance. Foreign Debt Registration with Bank of Tanzania and processing of Debt registration Number (DRN). Preparation and review of loan and security documentation for Domestic and Foreign Lenders including advice by formal legal opinion on the best way to secure payments of the advanced loan to from domestic borrowers.

We do offer advice on debt recovery and collection by both litigation and non-litigation means. Advice on mortgages and mortgage financing. Registration of mortgages and charges with the registrar of land and registrar of companies respectively.

What we have:

Our Partners and Consultants are well versed with practical aspects of Land Law and Conveyancing in Tanzania and other neighboring jurisdictions. Our team is also acquainted with the legal and institutional framework of property law in Tanzania and in those neighbouring jurisdictions. Relied on by developers, owners, private and institutional investors, corporates, lenders and underwriters around the world. To understand industry trends and their impact on business, we help them to navigate the complexities of the markets in which they choose to operate.

Xclusive Consult is also proud of having successfully handled property conveyancing transactions, property related cases and disputes in Tanzania and neighboring countries such as the Republic of Malawi, Republic of Zambia and in the Republic of Mozambique.

What we do:

Overseeing the sale, purchase and lease (for both short and long term) of land properties in Tanzania including commercial and residential properties. Preparation and Review of Sale and Lease Agreements. Processing transfer or transmission by operation of law of land rights in Tanzania. Advice on Ground / Development Lease for the Investors wishing to invest big on real estate business whether residential or commercial projects. Advice on the law of unit titles and condominium properties including creation and registration of units and disposition of the same.

We also conduct due diligence on all property ownership and land matters in Tanzania to the satisfaction of the Client including but not limited to conducting official search regarding the property at the Land offices, physical inspection and verification of the properties subject to transaction and gathering information from local government authority regarding details on history of ownership of a property whether registered or not.

What we have:

Our Partners and Consultants have had the opportunity of working for some of the big participants in the mining, oil and gas industry in Tanzania, Zambia and Malawi. We have also carried out due diligence on behalf of some big mining companies and facilitated transfer of mining rights or formation of Joint Venture companies between investors and holders of mineral concession rights in Tanzania.

Xclusive Consult played a key role in the registration and licensing of the first ever gold refinery company whose refinery is currently located at Dodoma region. We have processed for and on behalf of our Clients various mining licenses and mineral export permits.

What we do:

For new market entry, we offer at the option of a client, a full package service which encompasses registration of a company(s), processing of Tax Identification Number, Business Licenses and acquisition of mineral rights, mineral and mining licenses.

What we have:

Our Team is comprised of lawyers who have an in-depth knowledge of tax law and who have interned with the Tax Authority and got a glimpse of taxation from the tax master’s perspective. Xclusive Consult boasts a short but impressive track record of successfully handling tax related disputes between our clients and the Tax Authority.

Our Team has managed to fully and effectively utilize available avenues of amicably resolving tax issues with the Tax Authority before entering objection or litigation stage, hence saving money and time for our Clients so they can focus the attention and resources in their core fields.

Xclusive Consult also collaborates with a number of Accounting and Auditing Firms on complex tax issues that are not law related. This ensures that we cover all the Client’s tax needs without the Client having to resort to other suppliers which in turn, help the Client focus on other pressing areas of the business.

What we do:

Advice on various tax matters, including the most tax-effective structuring of transactions and the selection of appropriate tax structures for the establishment of new business. Intervention and Negotiating with Tanzania Revenue Authority for and on behalf of Clients. Representation of our Clients during tax objection and tax disputes litigation at the Tax Revenue Appeals Board and Tribunal.

We also advise on tax relief and exemption available under our current tax law regime in Tanzania and East African Community. We further give advice on various tax and non-tax incentives offered through the Tanzania Investment Centre (TIC) and the Export Processing Zone Authority (EPZA).

What we have:

Our Partners and Consultants have responded to the shift in the market and they provide a range of services to the expanding local insurance industry. Our Partners and Consultants have successfully defended insurance companies and brokers in courts of law against claims from customers especially in health, motor vehicle and General Liability Insurance. Equally, our Team has defended clients against unacceptable business practices of the Insurance Companies, Agents and Brokers.

What we do:

Offering legal services in aviation and Marine Insurance, Professional Indemnity, Product Liability, Fire, Motor Vehicle and General Liability Insurance, Life Insurance and Health Insurance, Crop Insurance, Reinsurance, Policy drafting and Underwriting advice.

What we have:

Our Immigration and Relocation Team essentially focuses on assisting foreigners seeking to work, do business or invest in Tanzania and obtain necessary permits such as Work, Residence permits, Business and Spousal Visas.

What we do:

We do assist in Application for Work and or Residence Permits for foreign expatriates employed by our Clients. We represent foreign nationals and entities that seek to either work, do their businesses or invest in Tanzania. We advise and help our clients in applying and processing of Tanzanian Citizenship. We also render advice on immigration and Labour compliance issues to both investors with business in Tanzania as well as individual expatriates and their families residing in Tanzania.

We collaborate with other agencies in providing our clients with relocation services from their arrival to Tanzania, airport pick-ups, temporary and permanent home search, school search, office and warehouse spaces for rent etc.

What we have:

Our lawyers possess adequate experience on all issues related to protection of Intellectual Properties (IP) be it simple as Trade or Service Mark, Copy Rights and as hard as Patents and Industrial designs. We further possess commendable experience on disputes related to infringement of Copy Rights, Trade and Service Marks at various level including Copyright Society of Tanzania (COSOTA), Registrar of Trade and Service Marks at BRELA and Court of Laws.

What we do:

Registration, Acquisition, Transfer/Assignment of Intellectual Property including Patents, Trade/Service Marks, Copy Rights, Business and Corporate names – Preparation, Drafting and Review of IP Licensing and related Technical Agreements – Conduct of Official Search on Register of Patents, Trade & Service Marks and Copy Rights.

We also offer advice on protection of intellectual property, Business and Corporate names, Licensing and technical agreements, Advice on all related aspects of taxation, Restrictive trade practices, Trade and Service marks, Copyrights and neighbouring rights, advice on the applications of trade and marketing laws.

What we have:

Our leading-edge Sports, Media and Entertainment Team stands ready to service clients in all aspects of this rapidly expanding, influential and changing industry. Our experienced lawyers, who understand the challenges facing those involved in the sectors, have a proven track record of success. We have thorough understanding of the business, financing, distribution and licensing needs of the film, television, music, gaming, and sports. We have experience representing high-profile athletes, entertainers and performers in contract negotiation, contract management and enforcement. We have also participated hand in hand with our clients in setting up talent and event management companies in Tanzania.

What we do:

We represent artists, entertainers and athletes, movie studios and record labels, sports and teams, talent and event management companies and other associated parties. We help in drafting and review of various agreements, negotiating, counseling clients, and researching Intellectual Property questions that arise out of established business relationship. We also handle disputes relating to the Entertainment, Media and Sports including everything from contracts to defamation to Intellectual Property issues including infringement of copyrights, trademarks etc.

What we have:

Our Team is comprised of lawyers with experience in law and real time practice relating to Wildlife, Tourism and Natural Heritage Laws such as the Antiquities Act. Some of our members have, at different timelines, worked with Tour Operator Companies and have represented clients in in various bodies and courts of law on issues under the Wildlife Act.

What we do:

Advise on wildlife, tourism and natural heritage laws, processing of hunting permits for professional hunters as well as their business licenses. Representing Clients during bidding process for hunting blocks and negotiating the investment agreement with the respective authorities. We help our Clients in processing various permits and licenses including Tour Operator license, hunting permits etc. We also represented Clients in courts and before various regulatory bodies.

What we have:

Xclusive Consult is composed of lawyers who are highly skilled in negotiating the interests and claims of our clients. We have set up a debt collection team which supplements and complements our Court action against delinquent debtors. From our experience a sizeable number of debtors respond positively if sufficient pressure is put on them. While a lot of companies use debt collection agencies, it has been our experience that debtors effectively respond to lawyers when faced with the imminent threat of litigation, insolvency or liquidation.

What we do:

Our team of debt collectors makes every effort to trace debtors and identify their assets as well as establish their financial standing. This information also ensures that “hopeless” debts are identified early and not pursued thus saving the client legal costs that may be incurred in the Court process. We negotiate repayment settlements whether a consumer debt or commercial debt for and on behalf of our client and proceed to litigate the claim in suits filed on behalf of clients in respect of the debtors who either refuse or fail to heed to our earlier communicated demands on behalf of our client.

What we have:

Xclusive Consult strongly believes that litigation is the backbone of the legal practice and as such, our lawyers are always challenged to take on cases for the sake of, among other things, staying sharp and updated on the currently trend of procedural law.

Members of our Team not only live by giving legal opinion on legal issues but are also tasked with defending those opinion in the courts of law or on arbitration institutions when called upon for the interest and comfort of our clients. However, litigation and arbitration are reserved as the last resort and only upon failure of amicable settlement of disputes. Xclusive Consult is a firm believer and supporter in using Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) over the conventional means of dispute resolution i.e. litigation.

What we do:

We advise our clients on best means of resolving the disputes that is timely and cost effective. We defend our clients against criminal charges before the courts of law. Litigation and or Arbitration of civil disputes arising from various cause of actions including contracts, torts, infringement of Intellectual Property rights etc.

What we have:

Members of our Team have on various occasions been tasked with overseeing marriage registration process and on resolution of marriages by way of divorce in the courts of law. we have a good track record of providing our Client’s with good results in their pursuit of marital issues including custody and property.

We have also help record number of people in arranging their affairs (either by way of Will, Trust, Wakf or inter vivos transfer/gifts) well in advance of their time expiration on earth which in turn has helped avoid family conflicts upon a departure of the testator.

What we do:

Drafting, Registration and Depositing of Last Will and Testament, Deed Polls and various statutory declarations. We advise our Clients on Estate Planning and Administration. Advice on inter vivos transfer or gifts, formation of Trusts and Wakf as alternative to bequeathing properties by way of a Will.

We provide representation in Application for and Revocation of Probate and Letters of Administration, Marriage Registration and Resolution (Divorce) and all issues pertaining to divorce including but not limited to property division and custody over children.

What we have:

Our Team have taken part in registration of various associations including Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), Associations, Foundations, Societies, Clubs and Trusts. What sets us apart is the knowledge infusion of the form of organization, its taxation and client’s need for management control. Our members have helped set up and oversee various associations and organizations for over several years in Tanzania and are conversant with many challenges faced by the same including those emanating from the changes of laws.

What we do:

We give advice as to what is the best form of association befitting the activities, membership, management and control of the association. We process registration and deregistration of various organizations (both International and Local) including NGOs, Associations, Foundations, Societies, Churches, Clubs and Trusts including preparation, certification and attestation of all the necessary documents.

We help in preparations and filing of Annual Returns and activities reports for the NGOs, Associations, Foundations, Societies, Churches, Clubs and Trusts. We also conduct due diligence on legal and regulatory compliances including issues relating to the nature of activities carried out by this organization, revenue and income source, taxation and membership criteria.

What we have:

Our Team has substantial network, expertise and experience in providing advice to clients on regulatory compliance and to liaise with the regulators in the event when there has been a non-compliance by a client with the aim of finding an amicable solution with minimal unwanted consequences to the client in question.

What we do:

We carry out compliance audits of the existing legal and regulatory structure of new and existing clients to identify gaps in compliance levels and advise on adherence to all legal and regulatory compliance obligations. We go further to develop compliance checklist and manuals and subsequently carry out regular and on-going monitoring of compliance levels and advise on risk mitigation strategies. Xclusive Consult assists clients with business process re-engineering and advises on the establishment of appropriate corporate governance structures in line with relevant legislations and regulations and ethical best practices.